Traffic Tickets
Traffic tickets are driving infractions that you are given after a traffic stop and only require you to promise to appear in court on the date on the ticket. While these tickets may seem minor, each penalty carries the possibility of points on your license (that could lead to a suspension) and fines that you will have to pay. This is another situation where having our team of attorneys with you in court will make sure you get a result you are happy with. Our attorneys have the experience and knowledge to negotiate your ticket to charges and fines that are more manageable for you.
Super Speeder
Georgia law contains extra penalties for speeding over certain amounts. O.C.G.A. 40-6-189 explains that anyone who is convicted of driving at a speed of 85 miles per hour or more on ANY road in Georgia, or anyone who drives 75 miles per hours or more on a two-lane road or highway qualifies as a “super speeder”. These tickets

will carry an additional fee of $200.00 which you only have 90 days to pay or your license will be suspended. These are more deadlines and restrictions that you want to avoid and we can help you avoid. Have us in your corner and get a result that leaves this ticket behind you with the least amount of problems.
Points Schedule
Every violation that you are guilty of adds points to your license. If you keep getting small tickets, they will eventually get you enough points and suspend your license. Depending on your age, that number will be different. If you are UNDER 18, any 4 accumulated points in any 12 months period will suspend your license for 6 months. For drivers between 18 and 21, any single violation of 4 points or could will suspend your license for 6 to 12 months. Finally, for the rest of us above 21 the accumulation of 15 or more points in any two year period will suspend the license of a non commercial driver. Certain serious charges like DUI and Serious Injury by Vehicle can result in the suspension of your license regardless of the points status on your license at the time of the offense.
The Department shall impose the following penalties upon receipt of a conviction of a violation of any of the listed offenses. The offenses can be found within the Georgia Uniform Rules of the Road. The Georgia Point System ranges from 2 to 6 points. A driver with 15 points in a 24-month period will be suspended.
How Many Points Will I get on My License?
Code Section | Offense | Penalty |
40-6-2 | Failure to Obey Person Directing Traffic | 3 points |
40-6-6 | Emergency Vehicle Violation | 3 points |
40-6-11 | No Proof of Insurance-Motorcycle | 3 points |
40-6-14 | Limits on Sound Volume | 3 points |
40-6-16(b) | “Move Over” Violation | 3 points |
40-6-16(c) | Improper Passing of a Stationary Utility Service Vehicle | 3 points |
40-6-16.1 | Improper Passing of an Active Sanitation Vehicle | 3 points |
40-6-17 | Use of Traffic-Control Device Preemption Emitter (while operating a motor vehicle) | 3 points |
40-6-20 | Disregard of Traffic Control Device or Signal | 3 points |
40-6-21 | Failure to Obey Traffic Signal or Light | 3 points |
40-6-23 | Failure to Obey Flashing Signal | 3 points |
40-6-24 | Lane Direction Violation | 3 points |
40-6-26(a) | Tampering with Traffic Signs or Signals (while operating vehicle) | 3 points |
40-6-26(b) | Operating Vehicle on Closed Roadway | 3 points |
40-6-27 | Tampering with Pavement Markers (while operating vehicle) |
40-6-40 | Improper Lane Usage | 3 points |
40-6-41 | Failure to Yield to Oncoming Traffic | 3 points |
40-6-42 | Improper Passing | 3 points |
40-6-43 | Improper Passing on the Right | 3 points |
40-6-44 | Improper Passing | 3 points |
40-6-45 | Improper Passing on Hill or Curve | 4 points |
40-6-46 | Passing in a No Passing Zone | 3 points |
40-6-47(b) | Wrong Way on One-Way Road | 3 points |
40-6-47(c) | Rotary Traffic Island Violation | 3 points |
40-6-48 | Improper/Erratic Lane Change/Failure to Maintain Lane | 3 points |
40-6-49 | Following Too Closely | 3 points |
40-6-50 | Driving Within Gore or Improper Entry to Controlled Access Highway | 3 points |
40-6-51 | Improper Use of Controlled-Access Road | 3 points |
40-6-51(a)(1) | Improper Use of Controlled-Access Road | 3 points |
40-6-51(a)(2) | Improper Use of Controlled-Access Road | 3 points |
40-6-52 | Truck Lane Usage Violation | 3 points |
40-6-53 | Bus or Motorcoach Lane Violation | 3 points |
40-6-54 | HOV Lane Violation | 1 point for 4th + |
40-6-55 | Failure to Yield to Bicycle | 3 points |
40-6-56 | Failure to Maintain Safe Distance from Bicycle | 3 points |
40-6-70 | Failure to Yield at Intersection | 3 points |
40-6-71 | Failure to Yield when Turning Left | 3 points |
40-6-72 | Stop/Yield Sign Violation | 3 points |
40-6-73 | Failure to Yield when Crossing or Entering Road | 3 points |
40-6-74 | Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle | 3 points |
40-6-75 | Failure to Yield to Construction Vehicle | 3 points |
40-6-76 | Failure to Yield to Funeral Procession | 3 points |
40-6-91 | Failure to Yield to Pedestrian | 3 points |
40-6-93 | Failure to Exercise Due Care Near Pedestrian | 3 points |
40-6-94 | Failure to Yield to Blind Pedestrian | 3 points |
40-6-98 | Driving Through Safety Zone | 3 points |
40-6-120 | Improper Turning | 3 points |
40-6-121 | Improper U-Turn | 3 points |
40-6-122 | Improper Starting | 3 points |
40-6-123 | Failure to Signal Turn | 3 points |
40-6-124 | Improper Use of Signal | 3 points |
40-6-125 | Improper Use of Hand Signal | 3 points |
40-6-126 | Improper Use of Turn Lane | 3 points |
40-6-140 | Railroad Grade Crossing Violation | 3 points |
40-6-141 | Disregard of Stop Sign at Railroad Grade Crossing | 3 points |
40-6-142 | Failure to Stop at Railroad Grade Crossing | 3 points |
40-6-143 | Improper Movement of Heavy Equipment at Railroad Grade Crossing | 3 points |
40-6-144 | Improper Emerging from Alley, Driveway or Building | 3 points |
40-6-160 | School Bus Speeding Violation | 15-18 mph-2 points 19-23 mph-3 points 24-33 mph-4 points 34+ mph-6 points |
40-6-161 | School Bus Headlight or Communication Device Violation | 3 points |
40-6-162 | School Bus Signal Violation | 3 points |
40-6-163 | Unlawful Passing of School Bus | 6 points |
40-6-164 | School Bus Disembarking Violation | 3 points |
40-6-165 | School Bus Operation Violation | 3 points |
40-6-181 | Speeding | 15-18 mph-2 points 19-23 mph-3 points 24-33 mph-4 points 34+ mph-6 points |
40-6-184 | Impeding the Flow of Traffic | 3 points |
40-6-184(a) | Speed Less than Minimum | 3 points |
40-6-184(c) | Impeding the Flow of Traffic | 3 points |
40-6-185 | Speeding on Bridge or Structure | 15-18 mph-2 points 19-23 mph-3 points 24-33 mph-4 points 34+ mph-6 points |
40-6-188 | Speeding in Work Zone | 15-18 mph-2 points 19-23 mph-3 points 24-33 mph-4 points 34+ mph-6 points |
40-6-205 | Obstructing an Intersection | 3 points |
40-6-240 | Improper Backing | 3 points |
40-6-241 | Failure to Exercise Due Care/Unlawful Use of Wireless Device | 1 point – 1st offense 2 points – 2nd offense 3 points – 3rd or subsequent offense |
40-6-242 | Driving with Obstructed View | 3 points |
40-6-244 | Allowing Passenger in House Trailer | 3 points |
40-6-245 | Improper Mountain/Canyon Driving | 3 points |
40-6-246 | Coasting | 3 points |
40-6-247 | Improper Following of Emergency Vehicle | 3 points |
40-6-248 | Crossing Fire Hose | 3 points |
40-6-248.1 | Unsecured Load Resulting in Accident | 2 points |
40-6-250 | Wearing Device Impairing Vision or Hearing | 3 points |
40-6-251 | Laying Drags | 3 points |
40-6-252 | Cruising | 3 points |
40-6-253 | Open Container | 2 points |
40-6-253.1 | Improper Transportation of Infectious Substance | 3 points |
40-6-254 | Unsecured Load Resulting in Accident | 2 points |
40-6-271 | Violation of Duty Upon Striking Unattended Vehicle | 3 points |
40-6-272 | Violation of Duty Upon Striking Fixed Object | 3 points |
40-6-273 | Failure to Report Accident | 3 points |
40-6-275 | Failure to Remove Vehicle from Roadway | 3 points |
40-6-311 | Improper Operation of Motorcycle | 3 points |
40-6-312 | Motorcycle Lane Violation | 3 points |
40-6-312(e) | Operation of Motorcycle Without Head/Taillight | 3 points |
40-6-313 | Clinging to Vehicle While on Motorcycle | 3 points |
40-6-314 | Motorcycle Equipment Violation | 3 points |
40-6-315 | Motorcycle Protective Gear Violation | 3 points |
40-6-326 | Operating Personal Assistive Mobility Device While Intoxicated | 3 points |
40-6-352 | Moped Headgear Violation | 3 points |
40-6-361 | Low Speed Vehicle Lane Violation | 3 points |
40-6-362 | Low Speed Vehicle Roadway Violation | 3 points |
40-6-390 | Reckless Driving | 4 points |
40-6-393.1(c) | Feticide by Vehicle-2nd Degree | 3 points |
40-6-397 | Aggressive Driving | 6 points |
40-8-76 | Child or Youth Restraint not properly used (under the age of 8) | 1 point – 1st offense 2 points – 2nd or subsequent offense |
The former information is taken directly from the Georgia Department of Drivers Services and subject to change. For the latest information visit The GA Department of Drivers Services directly.
What traffic violations do you cover?
The Law firm of Adam Harkness covers a variety of traffic violations, including but not limited to aggressive driving, distracted driving, failure to obey traffic control devices, speeding, reckless driving, DUI, DWI, and more. These violations range from common infractions such as failure to stop at a stop sign or driving too fast for conditions to more serious offenses like fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement. Additionally, the Rabun County, GA law firm also handles specific Georgia traffic offenses that can result in the suspension of your driver’s license. It is important to understand the potential consequences of traffic violations and the legal options available to address them.
Frequently asked questions about speeding tickets
Should I consider taking a defensive driving course or risk reduction court to avoid pleading guilty and having points assessed?
If you are weighing the decision of whether to enroll in a defensive driving course or participate in a risk reduction court program as alternatives to pleading guilty and accumulating points on your driving record, there are several factors to consider. Defensive driving courses can help improve your driving skills and knowledge of road safety, potentially leading to a reduction in points on your record. On the other hand, risk reduction court programs may offer a way to address the underlying issues that contributed to the traffic violation in question.
Before making a decision, it is advisable to seek our legal advice to understand the specific circumstances of your case and determine the most appropriate course of action. Consulting with Adam Harkness a lawyer experienced in traffic laws can provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of both options and help you make an informed choice.
What type of legal assistance can I receive for state court, municipal court, recorder’s court, or probate court tickets in Georgia?
For individuals facing state court, municipal court, recorder’s court, or probate court tickets in Georgia, legal assistance is readily available through the services of traffic law attorney Adam Harkness. A Rabun County DUI attorney offers guidance on various options such as the possibility of taking a defensive driving course or risk reduction court to avoid pleading guilty and accruing points on one’s record. Moreover, Criminal Defense Attorney in Clayton, GA extend their expertise across Habersham, Stephens, Banks, and Rabun counties in Georgia, ensuring comprehensive support regardless of the specific state or municipal court jurisdiction. Additionally, individuals can explore a wealth of information on Georgia laws, FAQs, charts, graphics, and explanations of legal terms related to traffic violations this website. To access these legal services and gain personalized assistance, individuals are encouraged to reach out to the attorneys promptly for professional guidance and support.
Where can I find Information about pending
You can find information about pending traffic ticket cases in Georgia by contacting our team of award-winning lawyers who can assist you, regardless of which county in Georgia your ticket is pending In Rabun, Habersham, Stephens, or Banks Co Simply give us a call today to speak to one of our traffic law attorneys who are ready to help with state court, municipal court, recorder’s court, or probate court cases.
How can I Speak to a traffic attorney for a free consultation?
To speak to a traffic attorney for a free consultation, you can contact the Adam Harkness Law Office directly by phone. Simply dial (706) 778-2326 to reach one of our experienced traffic attorneys who can provide a complimentary consultation regarding your pending traffic ticket case. Our effective, local lawyers are available to assist you and answer any questions you may have about your situation.
What are the fines and point system for speeding violations in specific scenarios like school zones, work zones, and bridges?
The fines and point systems for speeding violations in specific scenarios such as school zones, work zones, and bridges are detailed in various sections of the Georgia Code. For general speeding violations as per O.C.G.A. 40-6-181, the points assigned are as follows: 15-18 mph over the limit results in 2 points, 19-23 mph over gets 3 points, 24-33 mph over carries 4 points, and speeding 34 mph or more above the limit incurs 6 points.
Additionally, specific speeding violations in scenarios like school zones (O.C.G.A. 40-6-160), bridges or structures (O.C.G.A. 40-6-185), and work zones (O.C.G.A. 40-6-188) follow a similar point system, with varying fines based on the extent of the violation. In school zones with recorded images, civil monetary penalties apply, with a $75 fine for the first violation and a $125 fine for second and subsequent violations. These regulations are designed to ensure compliance with speed limits in order to enhance safety in these specific areas.
What are the consequences of being classified as a super speeder in Georgia?
Being classified as a super speeder in Georgia can have significant consequences. Once convicted of a super speeder violation, the Georgia Department of Driver Services will send a super speeder notification by U.S. mail. It is crucial to pay the $200 super speeder fines within the 120-day deadline from the date of the notification being mailed out. Failure to pay the fines within this timeframe will result in the suspension of driving privileges. To reinstate a suspended license, an additional $50 reinstatement fee will be required. Therefore, the consequences of being classified as a super speeder in Georgia include potential fines, license suspension, and additional fees for reinstatement.
How does the Georgia Department of Driver Services track and report speeding convictions?
The Georgia Department of Driver Services (GA DDS) is responsible for monitoring and recording all convictions related to speeding offenses, regardless of where the violation occurred. It’s important to note that GA DDS does not report minor speeding citations for drivers aged 21 and older if they are resolved in court and involve speeds of less than 15 miles per hour over the posted limit.
In Georgia, there is a specific law known as the “super speeder law” that imposes an additional fee on drivers who exceed the speed limit by a significant margin on certain types of roads. For instance, if a driver is caught traveling at 75 mph or higher on a two-lane road, they may be subject to this additional fee. Similarly, on multi-lane roads, the super speeder law applies to those driving at 85 mph or more.
Furthermore, Georgia employs a point system to track speeding violations, with each offense resulting in 2 to 6 points being added to a driver’s record. If a driver accumulates 15 or more points within a 24-month period, their driving privileges may be suspended by GA DDS. This strict monitoring system ensures that speeding convictions are accurately tracked and reported to maintain road safety.
What are the main Georgia speeding Laws and the corresponding point system for violations?
The main speeding laws in Georgia outline the regulations for drivers regarding exceeding the posted speed limits. Georgia’s Department of Driver Services (GA DDS) monitors all convictions related to speeding violations, regardless of whether they occur within the state or in other jurisdictions. Notably, for adult drivers aged 21 and over, speeding citations resolved in court for under 15 miles per hour over the limit may not be reported by DDS GA.
Additionally, Georgia has implemented the “super speeder” law, applying an extra fee to drivers exceeding the speed limit by 75 mph or higher on two-lane roads and 85 mph or more on multi-lane roads. The point system for speeding violations in Georgia ranges from 2 to 6 points per offense. Accumulating 15 points or more within a 24-month period can result in the suspension of driving privileges.
It is important for drivers to consider the potential impact on insurance rates from car insurance companies before paying fines for speeding violations in traffic court. Legal assistance may also be sought to explore options for avoiding the additional $200 tax imposed on super speeders in Georgia.
What are the potential costs and penalties associated with speeding tickets in Georgia?
In Georgia, there are various costs and penalties that drivers may face when issued a speeding ticket. Beyond the monetary fines associated with the ticket itself, individuals should be aware of the additional consequences that can arise.
Speeding fines in Georgia can be quite substantial and may vary depending on the severity of the violation. Moreover, being convicted of a speeding violation in court can lead to further penalties such as being placed on probation or having to complete a driver improvement class.
Drivers should also be cautious when dealing with what is termed as a “super speeder violation.” These violations entail excessive speeding and carry even more severe penalties. Individuals convicted of super speeder violations can expect to receive notifications from the Georgia Department of Driver Services, and failing to pay the required fines within the designated timeframe may result in the suspension of driving privileges.
It is important for drivers to understand that attempting to handle a speeding ticket on their own and then seeking professional assistance later can significantly increase the costs involved. Additionally, driving at speeds far exceeding the posted limits can lead to harsh penalties, including possible license suspension and hefty reinstatement fees.
How to I start a client-attorney relationship after I get a speeding ticket?
An attorney-client relationship with our law office is established when you contact us and proceed to sign a fee agreement, thereby hiring a legal professional from our esteemed legal team. Until this process is completed, communication with us through any means does not create an attorney-client relationship.
Where are your offices located, and how can I contact you?
We have offices located in Demorest Georgia and Toccoa Georgia. The Demorest Office address is 700 Central Ave, Demorest, GA 30535 and the Toccoa office is located at 12 W Currahee St, Toccoa, GA 30577. You can call us at (706) 778-2326 or you can email
Frequently asked questions about other violations such as DUI/DWI and unlawfully passing a school bus
Can unlawfully passing a school bus be a predicate offense to a more serious charge?
Unlawfully passing a school bus can potentially lead to more serious charges, such as DUI or possession of drugs. It is crucial to seek legal guidance from experienced attorneys, like our top-rated Georgia Criminal Lawyers, as soon as possible to navigate the legal process effectively. By contacting us from the outset, we can provide the necessary support to address any charges and protect your rights.
I’ve been accused of unlawfully passing a school bus, what are my defense options?
In Georgia, there are specific defenses available to individuals who have been accused of unlawfully passing a school bus. One common defense is based on potential errors or misunderstandings made by police officers regarding the law, especially in situations involving a divided highway. If you have received a ticket for passing a school bus when you were not legally required to stop, it is crucial to recognize that there may be valid defenses that can be utilized to contest the allegations. By seeking assistance from experienced Georgia Passing a School Bus Lawyers, you can ensure a comprehensive evaluation of your case, potentially showing that no actual violation occurred and helping you navigate the legal process effectively.
How many points are added to my drivers license for unlawfully passing a school bus, and what if i unlawfully passed a school bus in the past?
Six points are added to the driver’s license for the violation of unlawfully passing a school bus in Georgia. Penalties escalate for repeat offenses of unlawfully passing a school bus in Georgia with fines increasing to $300 for a first offense, $750 for a second offense, and $1,000 for a third offense.
Beyond fines, are there any other punishments for unlawfully passing a school bus in Georgia?
The consequences for unlawfully passing a school bus in Georgia include jail time or probation, community service, defensive driving school, and any other conditions deemed necessary by a judge to correct the driver’s behavior.